Journey to India - a 21 Day Retreat
We are organizing a 21 Day Retreat in Goa, India in February 2010. We will begin the retreat with a 10 day raw food and herbal cleanse preparing the body for this profound process of spiritual home coming.
The retreat is a very intense, profound and beautiful metamorphosis. There will be long periods of silence, movement, melting, writing, dancing, laughing, crying, deep investigation and sharing... A process no less than giving birth to your true self...
21 days is a substantial amount of time to give each participant a chance to completely surrender and to regain a connection to source, God, Existence... while allowing an integration of the experience to happen as well.
We have been leading these 21 day retreats since 2000 and have been honored and touched to bear witness to the profound transformations that have happened.
Cost for Retreat: $ 2,500.00
Included within:
Accommodations for 25 days in Goa.
The first three days will be just a time to arrive.
Cleanse Kits with Herbs.
Travel from Goa International Airport to retreat center.
We will provide a complete information packet with travel suggestions to ease arrival in India for first time travelers.
To book, or for more information please contact us via email or call us at +1 401 575 3100.